systemhalted by Palak Mathur

Smarter Planet - Idea and the Involvement - Time to say THANK YOU!

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When I joined IBM on 3rd July 2009, the first thing I noticed was the poster of Smarter Planet at the gallery leading to my induction room. Later during induction, we were shown the video advertising Smarter Planet concept and how it has become the buzzword here in IBM. However, when I reached the floor where I work, was surprised that very few people talk about it and very few even doing something about it. I was astonished how people can be mute to such a special and important initiative, a dream if realized would change the earth and the way we live on it.

One thing for sure that people will have to come forward, brainstorm on the ideas and on how to implement this in real world. Unless this happens everything else is just words that sound great but in reality are nothing more than sounds. For achieving the objective, the resilience should be developed in the initiative and more and more people should get involved with the sense of belonging to the cause. We all are working on some project for some client but it is our moral duty, a fundamental duty to make this planet, Our Mother Earth a better place to live on. For years she has provided us all what we have needed and most of the times overused the resources that she provided; now the time has come to return a minuscule amount of what we have used. It is the time to say THANK YOU to her for being there with us all the times we needed her.

Climate   Smarter Planet   Social Issues