systemhalted by Palak Mathur

Changed the Template

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Finally today I changed the template for three of  my blogs on blogger, viz. Renaissance, Aatmiyata and Tech Foci . Was getting bore while doing deployment. Actually, I have been deployments for past few weeks and now I am not interested in doing so. So, was just thinking about the days back in Infosys. You will have to believe that whenever I think about Infosys, first thing that clicks my mind is about InfyBlogs - how I used to change the templates of the blog. More than writing, for few months I was interested in only making new templates for my blog. It used to satisfy my creative thirst.

Today was the similar day. I was thinking the same and suddenly I thought to change the blog template. Actually, I was going through the setting when I saw that I can add upto 10 pages to my blog. I thought this is a good thing actually. So, added a page. My old template was so simple that it was not giving a feel for tabs on the top of the page. Therefore searched the net and found this template.

I think after May, I will indulge in this creativity wherein I will create templates for blogger now. Hope I succeed!
